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The Relocation of Muslim Populations

Updated: Mar 15, 2020

Muslim immigrants are in charge of the location in which they choose to settle as new citizens of Europe. They would benefit as a group choosing to live in isolated populations without established history and Hispanidad.

A different approach to this situation puts the power in the hands of Muslims instead of local Spaniards and the Spanish government. Since the Muslim population of Catalonia is being denied their right to proper worship under Islamophobia, it would be beneficial for the population to simply move elsewhere. Catalonia has become a popular relocation zone for Muslim immigrants due to its many employment opportunities and close proximity to the French border. Perhaps other places in Europe could offer this same advantage and would treat immigrants with better respect and care.

If the Muslim population were to leave Catalonia, they could potentially find a better location that would offer them the right to worship and practice Islam. When religion is a crucial factor of cultural life and the town in which one lives directly denies that factor and refuses to change their perspective, the only power given to that group is to leave their town for one that prioritizes their needs. It is clear that the locals of Catalonia are not willing to make radical and rapid changes to their current system for the new influx of immigrants, so it may be beneficial to seek a new home elsewhere before any substantial ties, that will make leaving difficult, are established between Muslims and their new homes in Catalonia.

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